Jon Leonard, Co-Chair
Dave Carroll
Shawn Firehock
Robert Hayes, MD
Frank Marshall
Bruce Steves
Krista Tommell
Rich White
Saratoga Hospital’s Golf Invitational combines a spectacular day of golf at the award-winning Saratoga National Golf Club with the opportunity to support a very worthy cause: the Nursing Scholarship Program.
The Scholarship Program provides nurses with financial assistance to pursue advanced degrees. The investment produces a nursing workforce whose knowledge, skills, and compassion have a direct impact on patient care. Nurses who continue their education have a better understanding of the challenges of today’s healthcare environment—and are better equipped to respond with innovative, evidence-based solutions.
Thank you to our generous sponsors and committee members!
Saratoga Hospital has always valued education, the impact it can have on the lives of its nurses, and the care, those nurses deliver to patients. The Nursing Scholarship Program allows nurses to pursue higher education and encourages them to be life-long learners. The results of this continued education are demonstrated daily in a nursing team whose knowledge, skills, and compassion have a direct, positive impact on patient care.
Additionally, nursing education plays a crucial role in maintaining Saratoga Hospital’s Magnet® Recognition status from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. This designation is considered the “gold standard” in nursing worldwide. In 2004, Saratoga Hospital was the first in the Capital Region to be awarded the Magnet credential and has gone on to earn the distinction again in 2010, 2015, and 2020. Approximately, only 9% of U.S. hospitals have been awarded Magnet recognition, and less than 3% have earned the distinction four or more times!
Since its inception in 2002, 189 scholarship recipients have earned Associate, Bachelor’s, or Master’s Degrees in Nursing. Furthermore, more than 34 nurses are working towards their degrees. It is through fund-raising efforts, and the generosity of our faithful donors, that Saratoga Hospital continues to provide scholarship dollars to our nurses.
Thank you!
— Jeremy Annese & Jon Leonard, Co-Chairs, Golf Invitational